Printed Circuit Boards and Assemblies in the Northeast. VMA is your partner for all your electromechanical services.
Printed Circuit Boards and Assemblies in the Northeast. VMA is your partner for all your electromechanical services.
Printed Circuit Boards and Assemblies in the Northeast. VMA is your partner for all your electromechanical services.
VMA is Your Partner for Printed Circuit Board Assemblies in the North East, including NY, CT, PA, MA, and NJ.
Beginning with crude photo’s and notes, VMA creates a working 3D model and ultimately produces the end product. These are custom fabricated battery gate cart weldments for one of our new customers in the Material Handling Industry.
VMA is Your Partner for Printed Circuit Board Assemblies in the Northeast, including New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Do you have a prototype printed circuit assembly to build? A short quick turn run, or a large production run with scheduled Kanban deliveries? Need In line testing? Off-line? Surface Mount (SMT) Production, Through Hole Production, BGA?
VMA can provide your mixed technology production requirements all in Poughkeepsie, NY. We offer turnkey build or can work with your consignment.
Custom Electronic Panel Assembly, wired and tested for the Thruway in the Hudson Valley
VMA can provide your Power Supply Assembly to your own custom specifications, and offers you a Turn-key solution by producing the sheet metal and PCA’s in the same Poughkeepsie (upstate NY) facility.
VMA provides Power Supply Assembles to your specifications, custom or commercial, and offers a Turn-key solution by producing the sheet metal and PCA’s in house
VMA can take your specialized requirements to engineer and fabricate cart weldments and rack assemblies.
Custom Cart Assembly, Fabricated from our design sketches