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LEAN Manufacturing at VMA has one simple goal:

To maximize the value we can provide to our customers by making continuous improvements that can be sustained.

How do we get there at VMA? We employ the correct tools and methodologies, in the right place, and at the right time. Whether the tools are considered Six-Sigma, TPS, CFM, etc.. We employ the tool set that fits our team’s mission and helps best guide our breakthrough process.

The most commonly employed approach is DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze., Improvement, & Control). Our natural tendency, as humans, is to pounce on a problem and try and jump right into the improvement phase of DMAIC, without taking an appropriate amount of time to define and measure the problem. It is only natural, for us to feel the pain and want instant relief. But taking the time to define, measure, and analyze allows for more complete improvements that will most likely provide the best solution, and that solution will be sustainable. 

VMA's LKMD Lean Assembly Line:

LKMD is a lightweight, man-portable, easily emplaced and recoverable motion activated warning device. LKMD provides early warming detection and warning capability enhancing force protection and situational awareness during all types of combat operations. LKMD is a motion activated (IR and Microwave) warning and illumination (visible light, IR and strobe) system. LKMD can be employed in a stand-alone configuration or as part of an integrated protection plan. LKMD provides small-unit Commanders with close-in warning or imminent intrusion and illuminates the intrusion where it occurs, permitting easier identification and facilitating appropriate reaction.  LKMD provides support systems to Army units either operating in or deploying to combat theaters, thereby increasing force protection posture. The Army fielding plan, based on the approved Basis of Issue Plan, requires systems be provided to the following types of units: Military, Police, Infantry, Armor, and Combat Engineers. LKMD replaces the M49 Trip Flare (no longer in production). 

